Pineapple Topless - Lge (Whole)

Without the leafy tops, these pineapples are easier to transport and store. Consistently sweet, juicy and low in acid, they are less fibrous than other varieties and have a fabulous aroma and taste!

How do we make sure we provide top quality pineapples?

Contrary to common belief, the colour of the pineapple’s skin is not an indication of its ripeness – it changes with the seasons (optimal colourings are 1/3 colour in the summer, and a little more in the winter); nor is the ‘crown-leaf pull’ test or the ‘thumb’ test! The best indicator of a ripe pineapple is the pineapple’s fragrance – it should be sweet and aromatic. We also make sure the base and crown leaves of the pineapple are fresh-looking (a good indication of freshness) and not old and yellow. The pineapple should also be heavy for its size (density is a good indication of juiciness). We also check for skin blemishes and soft spots (indications of age and handling injury).

Where do we source our pineapples from?

Pineapples require a tropical to sub-tropical growing environment with good soil aeration, good drainage and low lime. Most of our pineapples come from Queensland (around the Bundaberg, Maryborough, Yeppoon or Rockhampton regions) or the Northern Territory.

What is the best way to keep pineapples?

Pineapples store best at room temperature. They are susceptible to chilling injury if stored at temperatures below 10°C (chilling injury leads to rapid breakdown when the fruit is restored to its normal temperature). Once cut, wrap the cut surface with plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator.

Pineapples nutritional information

Pineapples are low in kilojoules and high in vitamin C (a 100g slice provides 75% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C), fibre and potassium. They are also one of the highest fruit sources of folate. Pineapples contain an enzyme known as bromelain, which helps break up clots and aids the treatment of heart disease. Bromelain also aids digestion, can effectively reduce inflammation (when eaten between meals), and helps to break down mucus in resipiratory conditions.

Pineapples seasonal information

Pineapples are available all year, but are naturally sweeter in the summer months (due to sun exposure). Winter pineapples are great for cooking.

Pineapples serving tips and suggestions

Great eating on its own or in juices (especially when mixed with berries), pineapple is a great addition as a side, marinade, salsa, and even a pizza topping! You can use pineapple as a marinade to tenderise meat dishes and shorten digestion. Halve a pineapple and scoop out its flesh to make a great serving shell for a fruit or savoury salad, or even for your favorite rice dish.


$9.99 ea

In Store Price: $9.99 / Ea
