Mushrooms - Cup (250g)

Cups are the same variety as buttons, just grown a little longer until the cap begins to open. Cups are a great choice for omelettes, sandwiches and pasta sauces.

How do we make sure we provide top quality cup mushrooms?

We use strict criteria to select cup mushrooms for your box. The skin on the cap must be clean, unwrinkled and uniform in appearance. The mushroom must be firm, dry to the touch, and have a fresh, earthy aroma. We also examine the colour – the mushroom should be a bright white colour, with minimal shades of brown or grey (these indicate age). We also make sure that we don't double handle them – mushrooms bruise easily and are at their best when they are only handled once. We apply these criteria meticulously, which means you get top quality cup mushrooms, every time.

Where do we source our cup mushrooms from?

Mushrooms are not actually vegetables - they're a fungus! They don't have roots, leaves, flowers or seeds. They also don't grow through the usual process of photosynthesis – they need an external food source to stimulate growth. They are grown in specially constructed dark sheds, on plenty of organic matter so the mushrooms can feed. The best Victorian mushroom growers operate around Mernda (in the northern regions of Melbourne), and we source most of our mushrooms from there.

What is the best way to keep cup mushrooms?

Mushrooms store best when there's the right amount of moisture in the air – they'll dry out if they're left uncovered, and they'll become soggy if they're left in plastic bags. The best way to store them is in a loosely closed paper bag on the bottom shelf of your refrigerator. This provides the right balance between temperature and humidity. Make sure you store them for no more than a few days, and keep an eye on them for indications of decay (discolouration, opening of caps, lengthening of stalks and a general softening and withering of the surfaces) – use them immediately if any of these signs appear.

Cup mushrooms nutritional information

Mushrooms got the name 'the meat for vegetarians' because their nutritional content is quite similar to meat - high vitamin B and iron (both good for replenishing energy supplies), and a good source of potassium (which helps relieve high blood pressure), vitamin C, folic acid, zinc and phosphorous. They are also a good choice if you want to lose weight; their low levels of calories combined with their energising properties make them a great food to help you shed those unwanted kilos!

Cup mushrooms serving tips and suggestions

Mushrooms offer amazing versatility. They can be served raw in salads or with dip; you can cook them as part of a stir-fry, pizza, pasta sauce, curry, stew; or you may simply want to fry them with some butter and serve on toast – delicious! Prepare them by 


$3.00 ea

In Store Price: $11.99 / Kg
