Fruit - Stonefruit (summer fruit) : The Fruits of Life

Nectarine - Yellow - Lge

$0.92   ea

In Store Price: $7.99 / Kg

Approx Weight per Item: 115 g
Price is an Approximate

Item Total


Nectarine - Yellow - Lge

$0.92  ea
In Store Price: $7.99 / Kg
Approx Weight: 115 g
Price is an Approximate

Nectarine - Yellow - Sml **SPECIAL**

$0.27   ea

In Store Price: $2.99 / Kg

Approx Weight per Item: 90 g
Price is an Approximate

Item Total


Nectarine - Yellow - Sml **SPECIAL**

$0.27  ea
In Store Price: $2.99 / Kg
Approx Weight: 90 g
Price is an Approximate

Nectarine - White - Sml

$0.36   ea

In Store Price: $3.99 / Kg

Approx Weight per Item: 90 g
Price is an Approximate

Item Total


Nectarine - White - Sml

$0.36  ea
In Store Price: $3.99 / Kg
Approx Weight: 90 g
Price is an Approximate

Nectarine - White - Lge

$0.92   ea

In Store Price: $7.99 / Kg

Approx Weight per Item: 115 g
Price is an Approximate

Item Total


Nectarine - White - Lge

$0.92  ea
In Store Price: $7.99 / Kg
Approx Weight: 115 g
Price is an Approximate

Peach - Yellow - Lge

$2.35   ea

In Store Price: $9.99 / Kg

Approx Weight per Item: 235 g
Price is an Approximate

Item Total


Peach - Yellow - Lge

$2.35  ea
In Store Price: $9.99 / Kg
Approx Weight: 235 g
Price is an Approximate

Peach - Yellow - Sml

$0.60   ea

In Store Price: $4.99 / Kg

Approx Weight per Item: 190 g
Price is an Approximate

Item Total


Peach - Yellow - Sml

$0.60  ea
In Store Price: $4.99 / Kg
Approx Weight: 190 g
Price is an Approximate

Peach - White - Lge

$1.88   ea

In Store Price: $7.99 / Kg

Approx Weight per Item: 235 g
Price is an Approximate

Item Total


Peach - White - Lge

$1.88  ea
In Store Price: $7.99 / Kg
Approx Weight: 235 g
Price is an Approximate

Peach - Clingstone - Sml

$0.81   ea

In Store Price: $5.99 / Kg

Approx Weight per Item: 135 g
Price is an Approximate

Item Total


Peach - Clingstone - Sml

$0.81  ea
In Store Price: $5.99 / Kg
Approx Weight: 135 g
Price is an Approximate

Plums - Sml

$0.72   kg

Approx Weight per Item: 90 g
Price is an Approximate

Item Total


Plums - Sml

$0.72  kg
Approx Weight: 90 g
Price is an Approximate

Plums - Lge

$1.44   kg

Approx Weight per Item: 120 g
Price is an Approximate

Item Total


Plums - Lge

$1.44  kg
Approx Weight: 120 g
Price is an Approximate

Apricots - Sml

$0.35   ea

In Store Price: $4.99 / Kg

Approx Weight per Item: 70 g
Price is an Approximate

Item Total


Apricots - Sml

$0.35  ea
In Store Price: $4.99 / Kg
Approx Weight: 70 g
Price is an Approximate